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ReFab Electronics

ReFab Electronics was the 5th edition of the Trash Investigation Series and was dedicated to creative recycling from electronic waste, the fastest growing waste in the world, at an annual rate of 5%, (as devices have an increasingly shorter life cycle due to planned obsolescence). This time we had the pleasure to partner with AKASHA Hub to host our event, a decentralised project and a self-managed community that was born with the aim to create a model of social innovation and new social changes and ideas.


During the two days of the event, six teams from educational and research centers participated to respond to this problem, designing and building installations and objects from obsolete electrical and electronic devices. The participants consisted of two teams from the Institut Quatre Cantons in Barcelona led by professors Juan Pablo Losada and Jordi Castro de la Visitación, a team from Maltepe Makers from Istanbul led by professor Asli Çakmak, Daniel Florin from Restarters BCN, the team from the designers Pablo and Xan from De Bigot Enrotllat and two teams from Learn Life in Barcelona led by Lars and Claudio. In the end, all the creations were demonstrated to more than 200 visitors who had the opportunity not only to see but also to experiment and play with the implemented objects.


ReFab Electronics is part of the E-Waste Learning Paths project, in collaboration with Maltepe Fan Lisesi and Buinho, co-financed by the Erasmus+ program of the European Commission.

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