TransfoLAB BCN is a centre dedicated to the creative ecosystem in Barcelona focused on design, innovation, production and experimentation with waste, circular economy and environmental sustainability. Basically we offer the space and support to makers, designers, architects, artists, students, DIY hobbyists and creative enthusiasts looking for an environment to develop and design their ideas or projects. We offer support throughout the whole life cycle of the projects, including conception, planning, prototyping, production and promotion.
Woodworking and Metalworking Equipment, Digital Tools,
Precious Plastics sheetpress
Program of Courses and Workshops, Tailored Courses, Educational Projects, TransfoResidencies
Research projects, Design and Fabrication Projects, Library of Reclaimed Materials
Announcements of events, TrashTalks,
Trash Investigation, Series
News and Events
We have just published an updated programme of activities be it afterschool activities, jewellery workshops, making biomaterials, or lerning new skills such as carpentry and metalworking with reuse. To learn more, click here.
The BioLaMer project seeks to address two significant global challenges, such as the increasing food waste challenge and petroleum plastics pollution, by developing an innovative technology/design/route to produce biopolymers and added-value bioplastic products from low-grade food waste. For more information click here.
TransfoLAB BCN has joined forces with CoLab House from Greece and Sosped-säätiö from Finland to explore the benefits on the well-being from designing and making with creative reuse and circular economy. Funded through the Erasmus+ program. More details!
Visit us during the Tallers Oberts BCN '24, on 9th, 10th, 16th and 17th of November. You will have the opportunity to get to know our space and some of our makers.